What is the best way to prepare for the TEFL program?

Posted by Natalie Mc 6 years 11 months ago

I'm planning to do the TEFL program in Manuel Antonio in January. Based on others experiences, I would love to hear what is recommended to be prepared for the program (books to read, understanding culture, etc). Also, are most students well versed in Spanish before they start the program?


Most students in my class didn't speak a lot of Spanish. It's not required and you'll get by just fine. You'll also learn some while you're there too. As far as being prepared, all I did was do some research about Costa Rica and Manuel Antonio in paricular.

My Spanish level wasn't very good when I did the course. It still isn't know after working as a teacher for over a year. You don't need Spanish for the course, it's full immersion English, no Spanish in the classroom. I was given books during the course and you receive full training. Just be ready to learn, practice, open minded and you'll be fine. Any Spanish you pick up will help you in daily life in Costa Rica. It's s pretty good country for people that speak English, and I remember them being really friendly people. You can use the phrase 'pura vida' and smile in most situations! Enjoy!

Apart from what the others have already suggested, I would also advise that any travel you intend on doing, you are prepared to leave until you've finished or to start beforehand. Manuel Antonio is a beautiful place, and you will certainly have beach time. But don't be fooled! The classes are intensive and require outside-the-classroom prep time. Good luck and have fun!