Hi! Can you do short term trips here?

Posted by Jenna Perkins 5 years 3 months ago


Hey Jenna, glad you're interested in joining us either later this year or in April next year. We can definitely help you with that! We have 3 different program bases in South Africa: Cape Town, the Greater Kruger Area and St Lucia. The only program base that offers short-term trips (either day volunteering, or 1-week volunteering) is at our Cape Town project base, where we run:

- An Early Childhood Development Program
- A Sports Development Program
- A Girl Empowerment Program

Either time you are looking will mean amazing weather in Cape Town, however please note that our Cape Town projects do shut down from early December 2018 - early January 2018.

Please do drop us an email at info@africanimpact.com if you'd like to chat further, or visit www.africanimpact.com.

Thanks Jenna!