If I graduate college in May can I still apply in March for jobs starting in fall?

Posted by Imani Richardson 4 years 9 months ago


Hi Imani,

You definitely can! That's what I did. Just keep in mind that you'll need the hard copy of your diploma asap once you graduate to get the apostille process started. You might not make the cut off for the EPIK applications, but there'll be hagwons hiring throughout that second half of the year.

Best wishes!

If you are going directly through CIEE, you will want to apply by the deadline. I in fact didn’t graduate until May and knew I was going to South Korea in December. So yes, you can!

So you can start applying in May, but unless it's for a special program it's not always necessary. You can easily wait until after graduation to apply to schools (one less thing to worry about at that time). Korean schools, hagwon (private academy)'s tend to hire at the end of every term. So the hiring process is fairly constant. To complete the visa and hiring process you do need your diploma to show that you have graduated from an English speaking university.