Why did you pick this program?
Megan: A friend told me about International Volunteers HQ. It was affordable and I was able to choose my place of choice and how long I wanted to be there for. There are tons of amazing places to choose from!
What do you wish someone had told you before you went abroad?
Megan: I wish someone told me how much money I would spend. I underestimated the amount of money I would need and wish I saved more prior to leaving for three months.
What is the most important thing you learned abroad?
Megan: The most important thing I learned was how different cultures are around the world and how important it is to emerge yourself into the local culture. Because of this, I learned to be more patient, more understanding, and that friendships are way more important than money or objects.
What do you tell your friends who are thinking about going abroad?
Megan: I tell my friends who are interested in traveling to do and see as much as you can. Don't be afraid to meet new people, try different hobbies and food, and to go outside their comfort zone.
What was the hardest part about going abroad?
Megan: The hardest part about going abroad was adjusting to new places and not being surrounded by my friends and family like I grew accustomed to.
What's your favorite story to tell about your time abroad?
Megan: One of my favorite memories from South Africa was when we threw a birthday party for a little girl in my classroom. We sang, danced, and had snacks and cake for all the children. Because the poverty rates are so high, families aren't always able to celebrate birthdays so it was amazing to see this little girl have a memorable day!
What made this experience unique and special?
Megan: My experience was special because I made amazing friendships and formed unbreakable bonds with the children and the locals I was lucky enough to meet.