Beijing Taxi
Out of all the transportation options in Beijing, the over 70,000 taxis are by far the most popular and convenient option for locals and tourists alike. Beijing’s taxi services are affordable and make traveling around the huge city a breeze. The only draw back to this transportation method in Beijing is the amount of traffic that the city can be engulfed with, which sometimes results in slower paces and longer stoppage times.
Taxis can be found just about everywhere in the city. They often line tourist areas and commercial centers waiting for fares. With so many options, it is best to know which taxis are legit and which cabs are known to scam customers. The helpful hints and information below will help you arrive by taxi to your Beijing destination with no problem at all.
Taxi Cars
The most common cars used as taxis are the Hyundai Sonata and Elantra, Volkswagen Santana and Jetta (late 1980s models), and Citroëns manufactured in China. The cars will always be in painted in a dark red, a yellow top with blue bottom, or will have a dark yellow stripe across the side of the car. For the yellow striped taxis, the accompanying colors may be dark maroon, white, dark green or dark blue. These taxis are the newest colors to be used by reputable Beijing cab companies. High-end and trustworthy car services also feature black Audis in their fleet. These are often reserved for guests of luxury hotels or visiting dignitaries and celebrities.
Besides the color of the car, legitimate taxis (those owned by reputable companies) will have the letter “B” at the front of their license plate number. On the dashboard on the passenger side is a placard with the drivers registration number.

Taxi Meters and Fares
Meters are mandatory in all cabs, and make sure that the driver has his or hers on when you start your journey. During daylight hours, the starting fee is 10 yuan for the first three kilometers and an additional 2 yuan/km after that. From 11:00PM – 5:00AM, the prices start at 11 yuan, for the first three kilometers and charge 2.4 yaun/km. Because traffic can be bad, stoppages are common, although the meter will always keep running. The standard stoppage rate is 5 minutes of running time to 1 kilometer of meter time. Typically, without too much traffic, a trip through the city will cost around 20-25 yuan, while a cross-town trip will be around 50 yuan.
Beijing Taxi Fares
Day Time (5:00 AM – 11:00 PM)
- 10 RMB for 0-3km
- 3-15km for 2 RMB/km
- over 15km for 3 RMB/km
Night (11:00 PM – 5:00 AM)
- 11 RMB for 0-3km
- 3-15km for 2.4 RMB/km
- over 15km for 3.6 RMB/km
Waiting and Jam Time: Speed less than 12km/hr, 5 mins for 2 RMB
Other toll road fares
How to Identify Black Taxi
Unofficial taxis, also known as “Black Cabs” will not feature a “B” at the beginning of their plates as mentioned above. While these shady cabs are difficult to flag down on a street, they often corral in tourist areas (like the Great Wall, Summer Palace, subway stops, etc.) hoping to find an unsuspecting foreigner they can take for a ride. “Black Cabs” are known to charge higher fees, drop passengers off at the wrong destination and in very extreme cases, rob their fares. Because of this, we highly advise you to always be aware of what kind of taxi you are getting into.
If you have gotten in a taxi and believe that the driver may be trying to scam you by taking your to a remote part of the city, asking where you are is usually enough to send even the most dishonest drivers back on track. It is always a good idea to know the general direction, cost and distance to your destination. That way, if anything seems a little off, you can think on your feet and hopefully avoid being a victim of a scam. And, as mentioned above, always try to retain a receipt or even just the license plate number of a taxi you believe to be ‘Black Cab’.
Although they are not the typical cab, there are many makeshift taxis, made out of an electric scooter and a fixed back seat (think rickshaw style), that try to scam tourists as well. If you negotiate the price before jumping on the back of one of these things, they can be a quick and affordable way to arrive to your destination. If you do not ask the price before departing, drivers are known to grossly overcharge customers and be very demanding of the money until the passengers pay up. Avoid these scooter taxis, if possible.
Tips on Taking a Taxi In Beijing
- Make sure to bring along the Chinese name of your destination, which can be written down by the concierge at your hotel, or at least be able to point it out on a map. Hotels often offer maps of their hotel and the surrounding vicinity. It is best to always have one of these on hand in case you find yourself lost in the city and need to get back to your accommodations by taxi. Although some might speak a little English, don’t rely on your driver to understand most, if anything, that you say.
- Always ask for a receipt from your journey, whether you felt the fare was reasonable or not. You can gesture this by making a writing motion, like when asking for a bill at a restaurant. If you feel you were cheated and need to make a complaint, the receipt is absolutely necessary to obtain. You will need this to identify the cab number and for reimbursement purposes. Plus, if you happen to forget anything in the taxi, you have the taxi’s identification number and the company’s telephone number, which will make tracking your stuff down actually possible.
- If you are planning to stay in Beijing for a few days and are considering hiring a car service, ask your hotel is they will hire a private taxi for you. This way you can enjoy all the sights and sounds of the capital city without every worrying about catching your next ride. This will run you about 400-600 yuan a day, and the taxi will take you where ever you need to go and wait for you at each destination.
- Taxis might be a less available in remote areas of the city than in busier sections of Beijing. If you find yourself in one of these areas, unmarked taxis will often approach you if it looks like you are searching for a cab. While not highly recommended in busier parts of the city, they might be your only option in rural areas. Always make sure to negotiate the price before beginning your journey to ensure that no scams or false charges are made.
By keeping all of this in mind, and just being aware of your surroundings, there is no reason to fear using taxis in Beijing. Be smart when getting into a cab, negotiate the price or make sure the meter is properly running, and you’ll be at your destination safe and sound in no time at all!